Saturday, March 31, 2007

This recent article in The New York Times seemed like a good reason to mention Kiva again. It's just such a great idea and great ideas get me excited and then I can't stop thinking about 'em! Read the article by clicking on the images above, or watch a video here of Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times visiting his loan recipient: a baker in Kabul.

This is a good excuse to mention to a couple certain someones who received Kiva Gift Certificates for Christmas to redeem those things! C'mon folks -- tomorrow is April 1st -- time to take care of business. (micro-loan style)


Gram I posted a couple word games and things to the blog. (Like you need any help kicking everyone's butt at Scrabble. I must be a glutton for punishment.) I hope you like them, I think they are fun. And more fun is to be had shortly, Michael is making a fire in the back yard and I'm on my way out the door.

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