Sunday, March 9, 2008

Punk's on Drugs...

and so are Leo and Peanut.

I gave the cats mousies dipped in catnip this morning, and put some fresh stuff in the Fat Cat Boogie Mat. Like usual, Peanut took her toy away from where the boys were, to enjoy her fix in private. After the boy cats stopped writhing and drooling with their mice, they fought over the Boogie Mat then got squirrely and battled hard. While they were kick boxing, Peanut got her munchies on, then slunk off for a nap. Sorry there aren't any high speed action photos, they didn't come out.
Educate your cats... drugs lead to violence.
Yay cat violence! Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just another day of good clean fun in our household...